October 11, 2007

AHHHH...I get my nights back!

Hooray!! Hallie started sleeping through the night (11pm-8am or so) right before we left on our trip. I was afraid that going to Florida would mess up the wonderful sleep habit she started. On our trip she did great. She slept through the night every night. But then we came home and the first three nights she woke up once during the night, but has since been back to her regular routine of sleeping about 9 hours . Yay! We are all a lot happier at our house, now that I can sleep through the whole night without any interuptions. (no more grumpy, beasty mom). I am so glad she is old enough to sleep through the night, but also sad that she is so big. (3 months today). Sad. I swear I was fat and pregnant just yesterday.


Savage Family said...

I think you are so funny! I love how you said "beastly mom" I know the feeling!!! I want to see you baby! When can I come visit you? She is so sweet in the picture!!!!

carrie said...

Hooray for Hallie!! :o) Isn't SLEEP the best thing in the world sometimes??!!?? ha ha She is growing up so fast..... It doesn't seem like 3 months, but then again....you can't remember life without them, huh?? (if that made any sense...ha ha) I doubt you're ever any type of a BEAST, by the way!! That would be me. ha ha Talk to you soon!! :o)

Anne Marie said...

I have to say, I am more jealous of a full night of sleep than I am of a vacation to Florida at this point!!!

Hallie is so cute.

Danielle said...

she probably sleeps better now that her crib has been dusted! just kidding!!! congratulations, now you can go back to being happy, fun cheerful mom that eli knows and loves! i'm glad you found my blog, sorry i forgot to tell you...it's new.

Gina said...

Lessley...I love the new blog!! Super cute!! Congrats on the sleep...Laynee still ends up in my bed and she's three!! Enjoy it!!