January 09, 2011

Star of the week!

Nov. 29-

Eli was Star of the Week at school. He had to make a poster to take to school and show his class.

At school he talked about his poster and his classmates asked him questions. It was so funny.

Eli talked about his poster in super fast speed. He didn’t hardly take a breath. I couldn’t tell if he did that because he was nervous or just excited.


Explanation of pictures, starting in upper left corner going clockwise :
Likes playing with his cousins, loves to draw, likes to play soccer, golf, and tennis, baby picture, lost his forst tooth, Is a good big brother, broke his foot this summer, loves to go get bubblegum ice cream at the ice ream shoppe, picture of the family, loves to go to the beach, loves swimming, loves going camping with his dad, had fun snorkeling, listens to music almost every night.

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