October 26, 2008

My little helper monkey

Eli is getting so grown up. The other day I was doing some stuff in my bedroom and when I came back into the kitchen Eli had unloaded the whole dishwasher. He told me later that he wasn't tall enough to put the stuff in the cupboard so he just stacked everything all over the counters. He then asked if I would put all the dirty dishes down lower so that he could put them in the dishwasher. As he was doing this I asked him a question and he told me that he couldn't talk right now because he was busy. Funny kid.

He has really been into helping me do chores lately. He vacuums, dusts, sweeps, and helps fold laundry, yet he fights me almost everyday when I ask him to make his bed and clean his room. (I don't get it).

It is so fun to see him learn something new and increase his confidence. I love this kid!


carrie said...

What a good boy!! Train him early!! hee hee Seriously, Matthew has always been my helper...and I think it will make him such a good husband and father someday. :o) Plus, the dishwasher is something I despise to unload....so it's the first job I unload on my kids. Is that bad?? ha ha

Alicia said...

If he runs out of things to do at your house, send him over here! Seriously, he's so stinkin' cute. What a good boy!

Sierra said...

Funny how kids are stubborn and won't do things unless they think of it first. Sometimes you have to be tricky when you're a mom.

Anonymous said...

maybe when you want you can send him my way, maybe he can help me out. he's such a cute little guy. great job eli....teresa

rain said...

K. So enjoy this time, seriously. Because sooner rather than later, he's going to discover what you already know....housework sucks. So keep those dishes where he can reach them, and always supply him with a bottle of Windex and a clean rag, and tell him to go nuts. For the next couple of months you will get free child labor. It's seriously the best. And for heaven's sakes--DON'T talk to him while he's concentrating!

rain said...
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Tiffany said...

I wish any of my kids would do that. What a little sweet heart. I love it.