Our ward had a Talent Night and of course Ryan wanted to participate.
Him and some guys in the ward got together and formed "a band." This was the end result:
Happiness is something we create
Our ward had a Talent Night and of course Ryan wanted to participate.
Him and some guys in the ward got together and formed "a band." This was the end result:
Posted by
8:23 PM
because you can’t see me!
This is what Hallie looks like whenever she gets in trouble! She truly believes that if she covers her eyes, we can’t see her and so she won’t get in trouble. You would think by now, after being in trouble so much she would know that her eye covering doesn’t get her out of trouble.
The funny thing is, Eli used to do the same thing.
Posted by
9:54 PM
Today was such a fun day!
We had a little surprise!
My mom brought my nephew Cole, who lives in Montana, so we rarely get to see him, to come play! We didn’t even know that he was in town, so it was so exciting!
My kids had a blast. My mom also brought my little nephew Luke, so it was a real party!
We played football, played with toys, played Nerf guns, had snacks, beat up grandma, then grandma got revenge. Cole was even able to talk to his dad, who is in Kuwait.
I love little Cole and we wish we could see him more often, but we will take any time we can get with him!
Posted by
9:39 PM
Ryan and I were really sick of all the cold weather. We were complaining to each other about it, then Ryan says, “Let’s go somewhere warm.”
So he got online checked the weather in St. George, it was going to be in the 80’s. So we booked a room for a couple nights, and headed down the next day.
It was so much fun! We basked in the sun and enjoyed every minute of the warm sunshine.
We swam
We painted nails
We watched movies
Swam some more
Had a picnic at the park, swung on the swings, and slid on the slide
And swam some more
Some things about our trip that we will remember, but that are not so fun:
*Putting a dent in the bumper of our new car that we had only had for a week. :(
*Ryan getting a 12 hour bug. Throwing up and missing out on golf so that he could stay in the hotel and rest.
*Eli drinking his chocolate milk so fast at Applebee’s that he puked it all back up 10 minutes later. (Luckily he warned me he was going to do it and I was able to rush him outside behind a tree, so that the WHOLE restaraunt didn’t have to see it).
Even with our small setbacks we were able to enjoy a nice little vacation.
The kids played hard for three days while we were there, and as a result, crashed hard on the way home.
Posted by
10:24 PM
My mom wanted to go to The Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point, and since I have a membership and she knew I could get her in for half price, she invited us along.
It was a nice day to be out and enjoy the sunshine
Feeding the fish
All the pretty flowers
And of course…
No outing is complete in our family without a trip to the bathroom!
Posted by
9:28 PM