January 09, 2011

Six Years-WOW!

Nov. 11-

Eli turned 6!!


6!! I can’t believe it! He is such a sweetheart and he had a pretty good birthday I think.

He woke up to balloons in his room and his favorite cereal on the counter. Lucky Charms. Next to his cereal was also his first present of the day. Silly Bands. Apparently those are really cool right now. Weird the things that become popular.


Today just happened to be the second Thursday of the month, which is the day I volunteer in Eli’s class. He thought it was so cool that i was going to be in his class on his birthday. (Dreading the day he realizes having mom at school isn’t cool.) They sang to him, gave him his birthday crown, and asked him questions, then he got to pass out his birthday treat to his class. (fruit roll ups. His choice).

After school I picked him up to take him to lunch. He chose Arby’s. We also called Ryan’s grandparent’s to see if they wanted to meet us there, since they love Arby’s and Ryan’s grandma’s birthday was in a couple days. Well, word got out in Ryan’s family that we were going and so more people joined us! It ended up being a real party. Even Ryan surprised Eli, and snuck away from work to come.

All together there were 11 of us. Ryan’s grandparents, Hallie, Ryan, me, Ryan’s mom, his sisters Randi and Tiffany, her baby Sammy, Sister-in-law Bethany and little Roxann.



The people at Arby’s were so nice. When they found out it was Eli’s birthday they brought out little turnovers for everyone! Eli thought that was pretty cool. Free dessert.


After Arby’s we went home and played until Ryan got home from work. Eli wanted to go to Trafalga, so we went there. When we got there they were doing some remodeling, so we decided to go to Thanksgiving Point and get Ice cream instead.


We came home opened more presents-Toy Story 3, Operation, and some Legos. We watched Toy Story 3, then went to dinner. Eli’s choice..Olive Garden!! Kind of funny, but he loves that place.


Next stop-Home to bed.

Eli is such a great kid. He still loves to learn, and loves going to school everyday. When we were in Florida he missed a week of school and was so bummed. I told him next time we will leave him home so he can go to school.

He loves riding the bus, and gets sad when we miss it so I have to drive him.

He has lost one tooth. He grows and grows everyday.

He is getting way to big for me to carry and bring into my bed at night.

He has a sweet heart, but can also get frustrated easily, and his little temper can come out. (Luckily his temper is real little). He plays soccer and wants to start karate.

He loves his little sister and usually plays so nice with her.

He LOVES anything to do with art, drawing, or creating. He wants to play school everyday. He colors, draws, cuts, tapes, staples all day long. His playroom is always a mess with his trimmings and art work.

He has become a good little reader. He can now count way past 30 and can also count by tens to 100.

He can tie his shoes.

He is also into Legos.

He is not into video games(like every other kid his age), making his bed, sleeping past 7:30, naps, or shopping.

He still can drive me crazy like no other. He has learned to say, “that’s not fair!”, he can be very argumentative, isn’t always aware of others personal space, and doesn’t always think that he has to obey the rules.

But oh, how I love this kid! Even with his quirkiness he is still such a sweet boy, and can make me smile everyday!!

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