I don’t know if it is having three kids, or summer, or selling our house, or just life, or the combination of all…but I just can’t keep my head above water.
I feel like for the last 3 and a half months my house is a mess, my kids are a mess, and I am a mess. I feel like I am constantly busy and moving, but nothing gets done.
I’m starting to feel so overwhelmed. Maybe three kids really does break you.
Every week, I think, if I can just get through this week of craziness, I can settle down and focus on tackling the things I let go that week, and then another crazy weeks presents itself and I just get farther behind. Whether it is sickness, a vacation, trying to get the house ready for show for an unexpected showing, school starting, babysitting, parties, and just life, there is always something.
Not to mention, I am just tired ALL THE TIME! Getting up at 7:00 to get Eli to school is killing me.
I obviously, wouldn’t trade all this craziness (aka, my kids) for anything, but I would love to be able to just feel like I have a handle on things again.
Maybe someday. Maybe someday.