April 27, 2010

Birthday Boys

Sunday we celebrated my two older brother’s birthdays. They are like 40 and 35 or something. I really don’t know. I just know they are older than me. :)

Happy Birthday guys!

Eating dinner





The kids were fighting on the trampoline, so we decided to just flip it over so they couldn’t play on it.

Lexi and Eli tried thier hardest to flip it back over. Needless to say, they weren’t successful.

IMG_0075 So instead they found other ways to make use of it.







Hallie and Oakley crashed on the slide




Lighting the candles


Blowing out the candles


Luke wanted his turn



Eating the cake



We missed you Brian, Brittany, and Cole!

April 25, 2010

Today I am feeling..


Especially for these people.


I have a wonderful life and happy for it!

April 23, 2010

It’s 11:01 P.M.

And this is what is happening at our house:


Hallie is  snuggled up to her daddy watching the Jazz game.

Why is my 2 year old awake at 11:00 at night? Because she has her daddy wrapped around her little finger that’s why.

When we got home from grandma’s tonight, Eli was already asleep but not her. She literally jabbered all the way home. 30 minutes people of complete jabber. 

But when it  was time to put her to bed Ryan said, “Let’s let her stay up just a little bit. She is being so cute tonight.”

That was an hour ago. That isn’t just for a little bit if you ask me. Oh well. She knows how to get what she wants from him.

April 20, 2010

What a deal!

Anyone that knows me knows I love to find a deal.

I don’t normally post my deals, but this was such a good one I had to.

I bought all this, for a total of….

DSCN0923 (10 boxes cereal, 10 boxes instant oatmeal, 4 sobe, 2- 24 pack waters, 4 skittles, snuggle fabric softner, 3 danimal yogurts, sunchips, potato chips, & 2 gallons milk.)




(I also got another gallon of milk, but we drank it before I took this picture).

I love getting so much for so little.

April 19, 2010

Weekend in Arizona

This weekend I had the opportunity to go down to Arizona with my parents, and aunt to visit some family, and celebrate grandma’s birthday. It was a long drive, but a way fun trip. There was lots of silliness and laughter.

DSCN0897 Cute little Sierra

DSCN0909 My cousin Kristen, husband Matt, and Sierra

Ryan was a champ and stayed  home with the kids so that I could have a nice relaxing weekend with no little kiddos to worry about.

We talked, we shopped, we ate, we had fun!



DSCN0899Waiting for our table  




DSCN0903Happy Birthday Grandma!

(This is the awesome grandma that made Hallie’s dress)


Cousin Jared and Fiance Victoria

It was fun to hang out for a weekend and visit with family that I haven’t seen in a couple years.

April 15, 2010

I love these monkeys


I love my little monkey’s. Here is a run down of our day.

First we headed down to Nephi to visit my grandma. Eli loves doing this. He always asks me when we can go visit her. I really don’t know why he likes to go. She lives in a care center and she has some dementia, so she doesn’t really know who he is, and there is nothing fun to do there. But he loves to go, and that makes me happy.


Since it was such a nice day, on the way down, we got a $5 little Caeser’s PIzza and had a little picnic.

After we came home we played the Wii for a while. They would get sooo excited when they got spares and strikes. They make me laugh.

After their bath they jumped in my bed to get warm. They thought that were so funny! They were being silly.


Story time and singing time before bed was so sweet. They were so snuggly. It was a great day.

Even though we didn’t do anything big and grand. We sure had a fun day just enjoying each other. I love these monkeys!

April 14, 2010

Made with love

Hallie’s Easter dress is one of my favorite dresses Hallie has ever owned.


My mom found the pattern for this dress. She gave the pattern to my Grandma who made the dress for Hallie. I LOVE it!! It turned out even better than I expected!


She was SOO patient with my request for it to be “just a little longer.”   She would work on it and then bring it down, we would try it on, she would ask me how I liked it. I would say, “ can you make it a little longer?” She would say “Sure.” She would take it home bring it back, and I would say, “Just a little longer?”  She would just smile and say sure. Even though I am sure what she wanted to say, was, “Heck no!" I just want to be done! This is taking forever.” But instead she was patient and loving, and made it perfect! I know my grandma spent a lot of time on it, and I appreciate it so much!!

Thanks so much, Grandma!! We love you!


*I am so bummed. I wanted to get a picture with Hallie in her dress with my grandma, and I totally forgot. I have to next time grandma comes.

April 12, 2010

Easter pictures

My kids looked so cute in their Easter clothes, so of course I had to snap a few pictures.




Unfortunately the family ones didn’t turn out as well as I had liked. Not that I was surprised though. I am pretty sure we could win The  World’s Most Un-photogenic Family Award!


April 11, 2010


Our Easter started Saturday. We had a neighborhood egg hunt. The kids loved it, but dang, it was cold. The kids got lots of yummy loot.



Hallie really surprised me. She wasn’t really into it. She didn’t want to pick up the eggs, she wanted me to get them for her. I would never have guessed she would be like that. She is such a candy junky, and she knew there was candy in them. So I don’t know what her deal was.


Eli looking for the Silver egg. He got a special prize for finding it. (Or for Ryan showing him where it was).


Eli with some of his neighborhood friends.

Sunday the kids woke up to Easter baskets and another little hunt around the house.



Then we headed to my parent’s house for Easter dinner, dying eggs, and of course the annual egg hunt. The kids had fun searching for eggs, and Ryan REALLY had fun searching for eggs.






Ryan takes the Hunt very seriously. He goes crazy. He did end up with the most eggs and the most money, so I guess it is worth it.

The only thing that could have made it better was if ALL of my brother’s and their families were there.

Then we were able to swing by some friends and have some ice cream and cobbler. My kids love The Johnson’s.


April 05, 2010

I am the champion!!

I totally kicked butt with my bracket this year!

I chose Duke to go all the way.


Duke went all the way!

I just wish I would have bet some money. Darn it!

Oh well. At least I get bragging rights in my house!

April 04, 2010

Firehouse Field trip

Eli’s preschool class went to the Fire Station for a filed trip.


Fireman Fritz was very thorough and taught the kids all about fire trucks and all the stuff fire fighters do.


Eli had fun and talked about it all day.
