February 21, 2009

Midnight Madness

I have a bad habit.

My kids ARE NOT snugglers. And I am a snuggler. So ever since Eli was a baby, the only time I could snuggle him was in the middle of the night when he was sleeping. And so my bad habit emerged. Some nights, right before I would go to bed, (usually around midnight), I would sneak in his room, get him out of bed, bring him in my bed, and snuggle, snuggle, snuggle him. He is was such a great sleeper that usually he would  sleep through it.

Through the years I have continued to do this,and have now included Hallie in my bad habit. Only Hallie is not such a great sleeper, and so when I get her out of bed, and bring her to my room and try to snuggle her, she wakes up, fights being snuggled,  and it ends up being a time where Ryan and I laugh at her because she acts so silly. (Because my kids are always sillier when they are woken up in the middle of the night).

Well, the other night Ryan was watching the kids and getting them ready for  bed. He later told me of a conversation that conspired between Eli and himself.

ELI: Dad, I want to wear my red pajamas that match Hallie. (Their Christmas pajamas).

RYAN: Why?

ELI: Because then mom will sneak in my room and get me out of bed. Then sneak into Hallie's room and get her out of bed. And bring us into her bed. (I am pretty sure the last time I got them both out of bed they were wearing their matching pajamas. So I am sure in his little mind it only happens when they are wearing matching pajamas).

RYAN: Ok. We will put your matching pajamas on. (laughing).

So what was a mother to do?

Sneak into their rooms in the middle of the night and get them out of bed, of course.

This is what I wanted to happen:


This is what really happened:

IMG_5132  IMG_5155 fixed

The best part is. When I am done playing, I just tuck them back in thier own beds, and the quickly drift back to sleep. No arguing, crying, or fussing.

I love our midnight playdates!

February 18, 2009

Grow Old With You


I had such a fun Valentine's weekend. We started it off by going to our YW/YM Dinner/Dance fundraiser. And it was so much fun. Even though the days leading up to it were a lot of work for us leaders, I think the dinner/dance itself was a big hit, and the youth did a great job. The food was good and the entertainment was great.

dance Dancing

Everything was great until about half way through. That is when my sweet, adorable, wonderful husband. (Can you hear the sarcasm)? Decided it would be so fun to totally and completely embarrass me. He had the dance stopped, came out on the stage, had me come up, and sang to me "our song" (Grow Old with You. By Adam Sandler). I didn't even know we had a song.

Anyone that knows me knows that the worst thing you could  do to me is put me in the spotlight. Let's just  say he ruined his night. If you know what I mean. :) He can be such a nerd sometimes!feb09_266-1

Aside from that it was fun to eat good food and hang out with fun people.

Saturday night we spent playing games and enjoying the company of friends. It was great. I love  Ryan to pieces and it is fun to do things just the two of us, but it was also so fun to be able to spend this holiday with other people.